DEC, an acronym for Disability Empowerment Center, besides being Lebanon’s best kept secret, is an organization based in Lancaster and Lebanon whose mission is to support anybody who has an emotional, physical, or mental disability.
There are multiple ways I’ve personally experienced how DEC has assisted people to become more independent which leads to having a better quality of life.
One of my interactions was very special to me. A few years ago, after my release from a psych hospital, Paula Moyer, my Independent Living Coordinator, inspired my husband and I to start a support group for individuals dealing with the challenges of bipolar. For several years we encouraged people as they discussed their problems and stressors of life. It was so rewarding to see many of them become more confident and gain the ability to move on in life.
Last Fall, I was employed part time with DEC as an Independent Living Coordinator. For several months I assisted consumers with some of their trials. Paula graciously tried to help me learn the challenging computer system and answer my questions. During that time there, I began to realize the scope of aid and the numerous ways the caring staff at DEC helped people…assisting with a job search, an application for employment, or writing a resume, learning computer skills, finding an apartment, transportation, mediating between a tenant and landlord, attending court to advocate for a consumer, contacting medical professionals regarding medication, refills, appointments, offering benefits to the elderly, helping the consumer come up with viable solutions to a particular problem …and so many other services to help deal with life’s challenges.
The digital literacy classes helped me get more proficient in my computer skills and OVR helped me try to find employment.
The monthly Circle of Peers that Paula hosts, helps support those of us trying to deal with our challenges. By interacting with others, doing a craft, viewing a video, or just enjoying refreshments, we develop friendships and realize we’re not alone.
I appreciate the compassionate staff at DEC and the many programs that are available there. It’s also comforting to me to know that it’s always there for me and so many others.
We worked with a young lady who had been seeking employment. We have been assisting her with filling out applications, we have been role playing doing mock interviews online, and have helped her build her resume. She has gone on 8 interviews in the past two and a half months and has not been hired. Last week, she called and was so excited to tell us she was hired at TJ Maxx working at the register. She has problems standing for long periods of time, so they are going to accommodate her by allowing her to have a chair at her register. She said the gentleman who interviewed her was so complementary of her interviewing skills and she was very thankful for receiving the help.
After almost 4 years in a nursing facility we have a coonsumer who is home with her loving family with the support of the Disability Empowerment Center. On her way out of the building she yelled WHOOOOO! She couldn’t say 'Gracias' enough today. She kept saying thank you, thank you, thank you. She originally entered the facility for wound care after cancer surgery. She is well healed now, but due to COVID has been quarantined a lot of the time recently and hasn’t been walking. This has caused her to become weaker, but her daughter, and personal assistant is determined through rehab and working with her to walk more, She will be moving better soon. When entering her apartment, which is right next door to her daughter, son-in-law and 5 grandchildren, she was amazed. She said it looked like it was out of a magazine. Home in time for Christmas the whole family said it will be a very special Christmas this year!!.
More information about centers for independent living here
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