Message from the Executive Director

Jaclyn Nagle • October 5, 2022

Happy Fall!!

Hello all! Happy Fall!

In my first few months at DEC, I have had the opportunity to meet some of you. I am looking forward to meeting more of you soon.

I am excited to be a part of this wonderful organization and grateful for working with such a great team, including all of you. I have always heard the phrase that it takes a village to raise a family. During my time here, although short, I realize that DEC is a family and I want to continue to foster that and make our family bigger and stronger!


We have had a picnic in each county and that was a blast! I will be providing more opportunities to do. The first of those activities will be our PEERS group in Lancaster on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 AM in our Lancaster office. For those in Lebanon, do not worry, a group will be announced for you soon! The PEERS group is intended to provide support to the consumers and have fun activities to do. If you are interested in joining contact me at


Save the date for DEC the Halls this year! It is on December 7th at Melhorn Manor. Invites will be sent out soon. Also, in the near future we will be starting an advocacy group called DECAG – DEC Advocacy group. (The group may choose to change the name later) - more to come!


Keep coming back to view our blog on our website and if you are interested to sign up for email communications, please do so on the website




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The Beauty Of Support Everyone needs support and people with disabilities are no exception. We either had our disabilities for a long time or just acquired them. No matter what the situation may be, everyone, families, individuals without disabilities, need support. However, people with disabilities are either embarrassed to seek support or do not know where to go. First of all, don’t be embarrassed! We all may have different circumstances; things happen to us that we have NO CONTROL over. We all have had a bathroom issue in public even if you have a disability or not. It happens and if someone says they have not had that issue they are either not telling the truth or it has not happened to them – yet. The bottom line is that we all need support. There are ways to reach out to get this. It starts with you. Take a small step, Be honest. Reach out to a trusted friend. However, there are other resources you can reach out to and here are some suggestions: Find your local CIL. Many have peer support staff, or peer support groups. DEC has a monthly support group. Check out the calendar under "Events' or call our office for more information. Look for Online support groups – Online support groups are out there. Just a word of caution – make sure that they are run by reputable groups. Seek a group that has a shared interest in something you do. It does not have to be disability related to be supportive. When you do something you like or have an interest in you are meeting people who share an interest with and have that to discuss. Over time, you can make new friends. Some people need more professional support and there is nothing wrong with that. One good thing that came out of the pandemic was that telehealth is popular. You can now see a therapist on your computer, iPad, or cell phone. Most of them will take your insurance. Just ask. Telehealth eliminates the need to scheduling transportation or having someone go with you if you need personal care. These are just a few suggestions. You can also reach out to DEC anytime! 
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